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Bentoel International

Among the filtered kretek filter cigarette, Bentoel International is one of the best sellers in Indonesia.

Bentoel International has a unique taste, flavor and aroma, the size in diameter also different with the other products.

Kretek Bentoel International

The Bentoel International tobacco slice is rather raw and mixed with minced dried clove buds and mixed with a special secret sauce, it makes the excellent flavor and aroma, a little bit spicy, sweet clove, warm, and others complexity.

Bentoel International or sometimes called as Bentoel Biru (biru means blue in English) offers its new taste sensation & rewards smoker by providing the sense of pride as being present Indonesian smokers.

Rokok Bentoel International

Bentoel International Clove Cigarettes

Clove cigarettes; both filter and non-filter, for blending it uses more than one type of tobacco leaves, the quality and variety of tobacco leaves play an important role in the kretek production.

All tobacco leaves sliced and mixed together before it blended with the minced cloves bud.

In the middle of process, the blended tobacco and clove mixed with the secret sauce made by the factory.

Every type and brands of kretek cigarette has their own recipe of secret sauce.

The comparison by weight between tobacco and clove normally 70 percent tobacco and 30 percent cloves.

Bentoel cigarette uses mainly Indonesian tobacco leaves.

This Bentoel International cigarette packed in the paper flip-top box with the blue color, consist of 12 sticks per pack.

Iklan Bentoel
Bentoel International Ad

Bentoel International History

Bentoel Biru International produce by PT. Bentoel Internasional Investama,Tbk, commonly known as Bentoel Group, the fourth-largest tobacco firm in Indonesia after Sampoerna, Gudang Garam and Djarum.

In June 2009, British American Tobacco (BAT), the world’s second largest tobacco company, acquired an 87 percent stake in Bentoel.

Bentoel Logo
Bentoel Group

In early 2010, the company became a member of BAT.  Later, BAT decreased its stake in Bentoel to 60 percent with the owning of Japan Tobacco‘s stake in Bentoel 40 percent.

At the factory, Bentoel International  production grouped into Mild Machine-made Kretek, which means manufacturing process uses a machine, with lower tar content compare to regular machine-made kretek.

In these production facilities, Bentoel International produced alongside with Dunhill Mild, Club Mild and Dunhill Filter.

Bentoel International Kretek

Tobacco and Clove

Most of the tobacco company requirements of tobacco are supplied by both domestic contracted farmers and others farmers through a buying agent, for Bentoel that is also supplied by BAT group.

The company does not have a supply dependency on the main agent for selective tobacco purchase.

For the clove, company purchase clove from four major suppliers who in turn purchase from farmers, other poolers and traders.

Same as the tobacco, the company does not have a dependency on main agent for selective clove purchase.

Paper and Packaging

The paper and packaging related materials are acquired primarily through BAT’s global procurement arrangements.

About the Cigarette

Bentoel is a traditional kretek cigarette of Indonesia. The manufacturer since the thirties of the past century. Name of Bentoel is taken from the name of the root of the cassava plant.

The founder before not very successful with his former clove cigarette brands and only after dreaming of a “bentoel” a holy man told him to rebrand his clove cigarettes under this name.

The manufacturer has a fine aromatized kretek; the clove content gives a slight spicy and fruity aroma.

Driven by innovation, Bentoel started to buy machines in 1958 to produce machine made clove cigarettes.

It took them six years to get the clove content right to achieve their characteristic taste in filtered clove cigarettes.

Filtered clove cigarettes before that time have been hand-made kretek whereas the filter was attached by hand during the rolling process. The first machine-made products of Bentoel were Bentoel “Inter Biru”.

Bentoel International was re-launching in early 2007 with the new taste packaging with a hologram-based paper.


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