There are some cigarette brands available in the market. Some of them are considered as the most expensive cigarettes in the world. How much the price of those cigarettes?
Let’s discuss the list of the most expensive cigarettes prices and the reason why it is so expensive.
If you want to smoke the most expensive cigarette in the world, you have to try Treasurer. This cigarette is manufactured by The Chancellor Tobacco Company.
The company is located in English. Until today, the manufacturer has launched some exclusive cigarettes such as Treasurer Aluminum Black, Aluminum Gold, Luxury Black, and Slims Black.
The reason why this cigarette is so expensive is that it is made of high-quality materials. Smokers are able to check the complete information by visiting the official website.
If you want to smoke this high-quality cigarette, you have to spend about $60 to $67 per pack for Treasurer Aluminum Black and Treasurer Aluminum Gold.
Sobranie is one of the oldest cigarette brands in the world. It was launched in 1879 by the Gallaher Group. Just like Treasurer, this cigarette brand is based in England though it is owned by Japan Tobacco.
Sobranie is a hard competitor because the manufacturer also manufactures a variety of premium cigarettes. You can find some Sobranie cigarettes in the market including Sobranie Cocktail.
Gold, Black Russian, and White Russian. Sobranie Black Russian is the most popular product due to its exclusive design and taste. It is considered as one of the heaviest hitting cigarettes along with a black paper cover and gold filter.
Sobranie is included in the list of the most expensive cigarettes prices because you have to spend about $5.00 to $12.80 per pack.
The unique part of this cigarette is its target market in which it is manufactured for women. The cigarette is manufactured by British American Tobacco.
There are two main products offered in the market which are the Vogue Superslims and Vogue Superslims Menthol.
Because it is formulated for women, the cigarette is made of some ingredients that make the flavor a little bit light and strong flavor. To feel the sensation of Vogue, you have to spend $4.10 to $5.60 per pack.
The list above is the three highest cigarettes prices in the world. All of them are expensive because of its exclusive package as well as high-quality ingredients.
Each of them offers different smoking sensation and flavor. So, which one of the most expensive cigarettes above you want to try?
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