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Djarum Special Cigars Review

Djarum known as cigarettes producers that most of the products – at the beginning are clove cigarettes called kretek, which are blend of tobacco and cloves.

Later on they produced filtered clove cigarettes, cigar and cigarillos. Djarum Special Clove Cigars is a special product of Djarum, a cigarette with cigar taste and flavor.

Djarum Specials

Djarum Special cigars created from the blend of finest tobacco leaves and aged selected cloves with a special sauce that given delicious taste and flavor.

Djarum Special Clove Cigars also called as little cigars with a unique taste and aroma to give a satisfy and new experience of smoking.

Djarum Special Cigars shape is a filtered cigarette wrapped in brown cigarette paper, packaging with paper box, the top in gradation brown to red color with brand of DJARUM in white color, thin gold line with black letter SPECIAL, and the bottom in white color with a company logo’s  at the right bellow corner.

Diarum Special, Jarum Special

Djarum Special consists of 12 stick filtered clove cigars, size 3 3/4 x 24, wrapped with homogenized leaf.

This filtered cigars first introduced to the United States market in 1983 as clove cigarettes; it is the first internationally marketed brown paper clove.

Djarum Special Filtered Cigars Reviews

When the cigarette first puff, it is same to be smoking filtered cigarette but with the different sensational cigar taste.

It is blending same as cigars with ingredient of cigarette composition, fine-cut tobacco leaves, also the flower buds clove that makes the different with taste with ordinary cigars.

Djarum filtered cigars have a distinctive aroma and taste that coming from the essential oil provide by the cloves.

To produce a homogenized cut filler, all ingredients mixing together with a modern technology of Djarum.

Djarum filtered clove cigars uses modern technology equipment to make sure the blended is correct, proportionally and consistently homogenized.

Djarum cigarettes sauce made by many spices and this is one of the important ingredients to get a specific taste and aroma of cigar in the cigarette shape.

This Djarum clove cigars sauce made by long time experienced skilled Djarum tobacco connoisseur.

Finally, this Djarum Specials clove cigars product has an intentional standard quality of products.

How about the taste of this cigarette? when the cigarette takes out from the box, it is bold and has a specific aroma of clove cigarette mixed with a cigar smell.

Buy Clove Cigarettes Online


When it light up and puffing, the taste is something different with a classic filtered clove cigarettes, it has a taste of cigar but with a clove, that it has a sweet and spicy taste.

Djarum Special cigars has a medium throat hit, earthy and fruity taste, and spicy of clove little bit dominant.

After one-third of smoking, the complexity of flavor and aroma become stronger, the burn is consistence and good balance.

The cigarette more smooth, lighter and mellow than Djarum Black and easier to smoke and giving a delightful smoking experience.

I think Djarum as a producer has a priority for export of this cigarette, because that is not so easy to by at a local kiosk in Indonesia.  It is easy to by at the online shops.

Others export version Djarum clove cigarettes are, Djarum Splash, Djarum Bali Hai, Djarum Black, Djarum Mild, Djarum Forte, Djarum Super.

Djarum Special Clove Cigars
Article Name
Djarum Special Clove Cigars
Djarum Special Clove Cigars is a special product of Djarum, a cigarette with cigar taste and flavor. Djarum Special clove cigars taste fantastic!
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Smoking Room
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