
Passive Smoking Is Just A Myth

The myth says that passive smoking is more dangerous than active smokers describe as spooky and creepy. Various forms of research carried out to prove the hypothesis. Some of them are fake research but there are also scientific ones.

Fake research stated that passive smokers are more dangerous rhan active smokers. this, has been denied a long time ago through scientific research.

Even so with scientific research that says passive smokers are more dangerous than active smokers, there is also a denial by other research.


Research on Passive Smoking

Before we discuss the results of research on passive smoking, it helps us recall the meaning of the phrase of passive smokers. Passive smokers are defined as people who do not smoke cigarettes directly but are affected by cigarette smoke produced by burning cigarettes by smokers around them.

One assumption is that why passive smokers are more dangerous than active smokers, active smokers only smoke 25 percent of the smoke they produce, the other 75 percent is smoked by passive smokers.

In quantity, passive smokers are considered to inhale more smoke than active smokers.

If you type in the Google search engine the word cigarette, the issue of cigarettes that is often discussed is the issue of passive smoking. This is indeed the most concise way to frighten people and at the same time gather support so that campaigns related to anti-smoking and anti-tobacco become more massive.


This danger campaign for passive smokers was touted at least in the 70s in the United States. This is often a campaign to replace smoking nicotine products through cigarettes with alternative nicotine products.

In 1972 the issue of passive smoking damaging health was first discussed. Furthermore, in the Surgeon General Report of the United States, this issue was discussed again in succession in 1979, 1982 and 1984.

Furthermore, in 1992, the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) released the results of a study which stated that being a passive smoker is very dangerous for health.

Unique assumptions came out in this study because there is a relationship between active smokers with lung cancer, then there should be a close relationship between passive smokers and lung cancer.

This assumption leads them to the conclusion that passive smoking is so dangerous to health that it threatens someone’s life. According to them, around 3,000 passive smokers in the United States die every year from lung cancer.

In 1995, the Congressional Research Service (CRS) released research results that refuted EPA’s research. Through 20 months of lengthy, critical and in-depth research, this research successfully refuted the EPA’s assumptions and conclusions regarding passive smoking.

In November 1995 the research was released and successfully refuted EPA research. Then in 1998, a federal judge won the CRS research results and canceled the validity of the EPA research results.

Passive Smoking Is A Myth

Now, let me invite you to analyze the most basic statistics that throw the assumption of passive smoking is more dangerous than active smokers becoming mere myths. It is not true.


They say passive smokers smoke three-quarters of cigarette smoke produced by active smokers, while active smokers only smoke a quarter.

Even those who attend primary school understand that this is a lie. Someone who smokes, of course, also smoke in addition to the smoke that he deliberately sucked from the cigarette he burned.

So in addition to being an active smoker naturally he also became a passive smoker according to the existing definition of passive smokers. So how could there be more smoke from passive smoking than active smokers?

If the statistics released by the bearers on the issue of passive smoking are more dangerous than active smokers, then the statistics themselves are a hoax because if they trace the statistical results they produce, all the smoke is smoked by the smoker because besides being an active smoker he is also a passive smoker.

Statistics are not as easy and as simple as that. Breaking down just two parts by saying three-quarters of the smoke is smoked by passive smokers and one quarter is smoked by active smokers.

What about the smoke that is wasted freely into the air? What about the population of passive smokers around? 75 percent of the smoke supposedly inhaled by passive smokers is distributed to many places.

To the people around, the smoke that flew freely into the air, stuck to objects, and many others. So it’s clear that if 75 percent of the smoke is not inhaled by active smokers, that 75 percent is fragmented. It’s not easy to say that 75 percent of all smoked by passive smokers.


To close this article, I do not want to invite you all to smoke. No. Absolutely not. Please smoke if you want. Please choose no if you don’t want to. Because smoking is a protected right of the law, so too with the choice to not smoke, is also protected by the law.

This article wants to voice discrimination which is always accepted by smokers. As if they are the only cause of cancer in the lungs and heart by denying many other causes that are far more dangerous.Keep smoking politely if you smoke.

Smoking only in places where smoking is allowed, smoking away from children and pregnant women and those who are allergic to cigarette smoke. And, don’t forget to share cigarettes with fellow smokers who happen to run out of cigarettes.

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