
Perdomo Reserve 10th Anniversary Champagne

Perdomo cigars a hand rolled cigar manufactured in Estelí, Nicaragua, made uses finest tobacco, aged and fermented to get a highest quality of cigars. At the factory hand-rolled a million of cigars per year.

Perdomo has release Perdomo Reserve 10th Anniversary Champagne prime quality cigar blended of deeply aged Cuban-seed tobacco filler and binder with a six year aged golden Connecticut shade wrapper.

The line is one of the best cigars in the Perdomo cigar portfolio. Cuban-seed tobaccos grown exclusively by the Perdomo family plantations nestled in the highly fertile regions of Esteli, Condega and Jalapa Valley, Nicaragua.

Originally release in 1997, Perdomo Reserve 10th Anniversary Champagne cigars is the mild-to-medium bodied, imparting layer of complex flavors and rich of aroma.


The company launched and headed by Nick Perdomo, Jr. – third generation of Cigar-maker – in 1992.  The company grown and produced a cigars in Nicaragua, and all the products market worldwide by Tabacalera Perdomo. The company this time based in Miami Lakes, Florida, USA.

Tabacalera Perdomo has roots to the town of San Jose de las Lajas, Cuba, where Silvio Perdomo raised. Since a young age he already works at the cigar industry, serving his apprenticeship for Cuesta y Cia in early 1930s until 1937 when he joint for H. Upmann until 1945.  After left H. Upmann Silvio got a prestige managerial position at Partagas that he stayed until 1959.

Later, Silvio son, Nicholas Perdomo Sr., also following Him into the cigar making trade, began His apprenticeship in 1948 for Martin & Trujillo. After that He joints His father as an executive at Partagas.  He also works for H. Upmann factory as a top executive.

Nicholas Perdomo Sr. move to Baltimore, Maryland on 1976, and then to Miami, Florida.  Nick Perdomo Jr. after completing serving in the US Navy working as air traffic controller at Miami International Airport.

August 1992, Nick Jr. starting his cigar business to follow in the footsteps of his father and grandfather as a cigar-maker. He does a home business in his garage, which is a humble beginning of Tobacalera Perdomo. The new company in Miami named is “Nick’s Cigar Co.”

With the long story background in the cigar business experience, we convince that the Perdomo’s cigar quality. Nick Perdomo, Jr. is one of the best in the cigar business, that’s why the Perdomo Reserve 10th Anniversary Champagne is so special. Deliver rich layers of complex flavors of mellow-bodied profile, and good aroma.

Shape: Churchill, Corona Extra, Figurado, Fordo, Petite Corona, Robusto, Toro, Torpedo.

Filler: Cuban seed tobacco leaf from Nicaragua

Binder: Cuban seed tobacco leaf from Nicaragua

Wrapper: Connecticut leaf age 6 years, Ecuador Connecticut

Brand: Perdomo

Country of Origin: Nicaragua.


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