L.A Bold

Rp546.000 /carton

L.A Bold is one of the products which is currently proud of from L.A Lights lines since the price is pretty affordable when you compared to L.A Ice or L.A Lights – actually they have a similar price.

With the bolder sensation compared to L.A Lights, this flavor is more acceptable for customers as the price is pretty cheap which make they demanded this cigarette product.

You may prefer this love since it gives you with the stem sensation and richer in taste.

Package: 1 Carton (10 Packs of 16 (total 160))

Product description

Djarum Company has re-launched their cigarette product named LA Bold with the fairly elegant look – of course, the black wrapper in the outside.

This cigarette was supported by so many ads on TV along with cool back sound in LA Bold ads.

Actually, this L.A Bold product is first launched in 2015, however, at that time the manufacturer only packs 12 cigarettes in one package. Then in 2017, March – there are so many regions were true as the biggest selling base of L.A Bold, especially in Indonesia.

Many people also said that they love this cigarette taste rather than a mild type. Or if you love to try the heavier cigarettes than a mild one, then you can try this one. The price is pretty affordable for 12 cigarettes in one pack.

For the first time, you can see the fancy black package with the words attached “LA Bold” in the middle part and give you with more elegance impression. Actually, you can see the fancy cigarettes along with so many cool ads.

You can check for their element contents in its package. However, it much fair if you taste by yourself – especially if you love to smoke heavier cigarettes.

In terms of packaging, you will see the bold element on this package where you see a black base and a red tone. The red tone indicates that this is cigarette with the full flavor and black tone also indicates that you can find the bold flavor here.

When you touch it, there is a kind of hexagonal texture which is enough to strengthen the bold impression in this clove cigarette.

So, from the package value, it gives you one of the best. So, there are good things you can see from the outside part.

So, Djarum itself came from a very long way – at the beginning of the 1950s. This company grew from the powerful strength and today they have a huge-tech mass production in order to produce cigarettes for international and domestic markets.

Additional information

Dimensions 30 × 11 × 5 cm


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