As a premium quality cigar producers, Rocky Patel has a production facilities both in Honduras and Nicaragua.
A Honduran Factory
El Paraiso, the mammoth cigar factory housing 120,000 square feet of Rocky Patel’s Honduran manufacturing operations in Danli, Honduras.
Inside the facility, the factory floor buzzes with action as dozens of rolling pairs meticulously work their craft creating the finest Honduran cigars smoked in the American market. Brands like the 95-rated Decade, Twentieth Anniversary, Sun Grown, Nørding and all The Edge varietals are masterfully rolled in this grand arena.
Then there are the sorting rooms where properly fermented tobaccos are subdivided by priming and color. There’s the fermentation room where great pilons keep pressure on the tobaccos. There’s the quality control room where all aspects of cigar inspection occurs. There’s the aging room where time runs its course. There’s the packaging department where every cigar is banded, cellophane, and boxed.
All of the duties performed by the nearly 500 factory employee’s result in the superlative Rocky Patel cigars you so often enjoy. At Rocky Patel Premium Cigars at El Paraiso.
The famous cigars produced in Honduras, i.e.; Catch Twenty-Two, Decade, LB1, Martinique and, Sun Grown.
A Nicaraguan Factory
Our story begins on a tight little side street in the bustling heart of Esteli, Nicaragua, where an inconspicuous boutique cigar factory resides. This is TaviCusa – the diminutive yet constantly active habitat where every premium Nicaraguan brand made by Rocky Patel is hand rolled, aged, banded and boxed.
Inside the facility, the factory floor buzzes with action as dozens of rolling pairs meticulously work their craft creating the finest Honduran cigars smoked in the American market. Brands like the 95-rated Decade, Twentieth Anniversary, Sun Grown, Nørding and all The Edge varietals are masterfully rolled in this grand arena.
Then there are the sorting rooms where properly fermented tobaccos are subdivided by priming and color. There’s the fermentation room where great pilons keep pressure on the tobaccos. There’s the quality control room where all aspects of cigar inspection occurs. There’s the aging room where time runs its course. There’s the packaging department where every cigar is banded, cellophane, and boxed.
At a factory in Nicaragua, Rocky Patel cigars are crafted with copious, complex flavors via the finest blends of premium tobaccos from a variety of nations and growing regions around the world.
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