
Solani Pipe Tobacco, Best From Germany

Solani: Gold Label- English Luxury – 779 50g

Product Number: 003-061-0003

This is one of Solani blend that have a good flavor and aroma, exceptionally pleasant and refined mellow English, Solani’s English Luxury Mixture blend 779 is remarkably smooth, elegant English.

Blended of Latakia, Orientals, and Virginia tobacco that cut in ribbon style.

Solani pipe tobacco is one of the prime quality brands that introduced in 1998 by Rüdiger Lutz Will, after he conceived the name “Solani” for a new line of top quality blends tobacco pipe in 1997.

The Solani name from Solani pipe tobacco is derived from the Latin word “Solanum” that means “night shade plants.”

R.L. Will is a tobacco lovers that he already known about the quality and variety of tobacco leaves and plant since his young age.

He is a son of the founder and co-owner of an important tobacco factory Buende, Germany, located between Bales and Hogshead of Tobacco.

father factory produced a fine-cut pipe tobacco and cigars with 300 employees. After the short time working in the Bank, he studied about tobacco growing, handling, and manufacturing throughout the world, including to North Caroline and Georgia, USA.

In developing the Solani tobaccos, his aim was to give the pipe smokers with a very mature tobaccos blend with as little as possible additives. His talented skill and passion in blending selected high quality tobaccos make Solani pipe tobacco blends popular and success.

R.L. Will and his passion of Tobaccos.

R.L. Will join with his father firm in 1962, his position is responsible for purchasing and production of the tobacco.  In 1968 he developed the casing and flavors for the first four blends of the very famous Borkum Riff pipe tobacco, later on produced under licensed of Svenska Tobak AB, Stockholm, and the firm sold to Svenska in 1972. Since then R.L. Will working for Oetker group of companies as an international marketing for at least fifteen years.  As a marketing people he connects with some of tobacco firms, and during that period he collecting and making hand made tobacco pipes.

He bought “Reiner” pipe trade mark from the famous pipe-maker Reiner Klein in 1987, including the tools, machinery and Briar block stocks, and a year later he developed R.L. Will Pipe Studio.

At that studio Will and Reiner designing and making a hand-made tobacco pipe from the best Corsican briar wood. They worked together for almost eight years, and producing the pipe that called as “The Pipe Art Design” Pipes.

After Reiner left, Will continued making a pipe by himself which is the production very limited about 200 pipes a year.

Even busy for making a pipe, it does not mean Will did not spend his time in tobacco.  He still working on the tobacco blends. He introduced the Solani Virginia Flake (blend 633) in June 2000.

Will developed this blend by exploring his talent, passion and skill. No wonder if this Solani Virginia Flake within the short time become popular in the market.

Solani Blend 633 Virginia Flake with Perique uses superior grades of bright flue-cured tobaccos layered with zesty Louisiana Perique and is firmly pressed.

After being given time for the tobaccos to marry and mature, it’s sliced into easy-to-prepare flakes. Solani 633 pipe tobacco is a slow burning blend with a natural sweetness and inviting aroma.

This flake-cut tobacco mixed with a Virginian tobacco and the style is non-aromatic pipe tobacco.

All Reiner tobacco is blended in Denmark and the bulk shipped to Germany for Branding and Packing.

Only the Virginia Flake that blended and packing in Denmark.

Both Reiner and Solani tobacco carefully blended uses a recipes developed by R.L. Will.

Most of the tobacco blend are has a unique taste, rich of flavor and traditional tones.

Simply wonderful with an elegant Burley.  Solani pipe tobaccos blends and mixes has a Burley flake that most desired above all else, and available in aromatic or non-aromatic varieties that each have their own unique flavors and character.

All of that quality is because of the passion and knowledge of Rüdiger Lutz Will many thanks for that.

Pics: Solani Tobacco


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