We all know that we are allowed to smoke when we reach adulthood. Yet, maybe some of us don’t know exactly when to smoke. Here are several pointers to guide you.
When you are breaking up with your partner
It is time to smoke when your loved one is breaking up with you. Sure, smoking may not stop the heart from breaking apart, but it definitely will help you get over them quicker.
When you are failing a test
Whether it is SAT test, psychology test, or even test of life, failing a test is always a shitty experience to have. Nevertheless, everyona must have faced it at some point. When it happens, prepare your lighter and your best cigarettes to help you get through it.
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When you are fired
When your family member is annoying
Whether it is your sibling, a nagging parent, in laws, or that aunt who always criticize your choice of fashion, you must have at least one family member who annoy the shit out of you. Sure, they are family, but you just need to get away from them. Well, make sure you do that. And while hiding in front porch, bring your cigarttes to cheer you up!
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